Tuesday, August 22, 2006

real numbers

Some real numbers to consider.
Since the cease fire in Lebanon, at least 3 children have been killed by unexploded Israeli bombs every day. Many of the bombs have been illegal cluster bombs. The Israelis used the biggest, deadliest ordinance thay could get their hands on against a civilian population.
As of Today, the war in Iraq has lasted 7 days longer than Word War 2 in Europe.
As of Today 2608 American Soldiers have died in Iraq.
Since the Israelis started the present round of actions in Palestine, over 200 civilians have been killed and more than 1000 have been injured and maimed.
68 Palestinian officials and 8 government ministers have been kidnapped.
1% of the population in Great Britain believe that they are safer because of the "War On Terror".
Does any of this add up to anything?

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