Thursday, September 14, 2006

Delusional Reality

Today, an increasingly familiar tradegy was played out in Montreal. A young man, a loner obsessed with video games and darkness stepped over the line and turned fantasy into reality.He brought the video game Postal to life and shot and injured a number of people in a school before he was shot and killed.
Over the last few years, and more and more the last week, I have wondered about George Bush Jr. Does he live in the same reality we do? Does he believe any of what he says.
Where does his fantasy end and reality begin?
Can we assume he is sincere about his religious awakening and beliefs? In the big business world of Right Wing Christianity it is becoming apparant to a lot of people that the leaders are really big time manipulators making millions of dollars and amassing incredible power bases. Is George a manipulator or being used?
I think he is truly a religious opportunist like the other big boys who freely roam the twilight land between fantasy and downright criminality. Most of the extreme doctrine of Fundamental Christianity has very little textual base in the bible. A lot of the doctrines are exclusively American bred. Born in the sweaty revival tents of the showbiz preachers of yesteryear.
George claims that he meets more and more Americans who support and share his beliefs. Could that be because he lives in a very carefully screened world where anyone who differs from him can't get in?
I think his reliance on this support system of religion as a rationale for his actions is making him more and more dangerous. He claims that God told him to invade Iraq. In his 9/11 speech earlier this week and in his speech to the armed forces last week, he suggests we are involved in an endless war against evil.
Bad for us and the rest of the world, but very good for the Carlyle Group. We are trapped in his neo con fantasy gone bad. We watch as he tries to march us into a war with Iran because some of his advisors fantasixe that a few quick air strikes and whammo! No More Iran problem...Reality is something else entirely different.
How can we wake America out of this fantasy? A nation of Lazy Fuzzy Thinkers who want to be led and have forgotten how to question! To be one with a few thousand sheep in a Mega Church on Sunday then after it's time for Krispy Kremes!!!!YAY!
I just finished Antonia Frasers' Cromwell, Our Leader of Men.
Cromwell was delusional and a religious fanatic. He began as a liberator of the people from the tyranny of the crown and in the end he became a bigger monster than anything he fought. He used lies to imflame the British people to massacre the Irish and take there lands. He used the army to fight a bloody war of religion.
In the end, after he died and his family was deposed, he was tried in the grave, dug up and his rotting corpse was hung.
I'm not quite sure what analogies I can draw from Cromwell, but it is well worth reading to understand that what is happening in America is not new, it's just horribly different!

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