Saturday, September 16, 2006

Once upon a Future.......

I had a strange vision of the Future this morning after hearing about the provisions in Bushes Torture Bill that he is trying to cram down the throat of America. He wants to provide himself with blanket amnesty for anything that could be charged as a war crime in the past or in the future. I smell a trend here.......
In the year 2038, after a coup d'etat by a group of brave Military and concerned citizens, the Bush regime was over thrown. There would be hard years ahead to cope with the economic ruin caused by George II, Jeb the First who tried to move the capitol to Havana, then the tragic bad hair years of the reign of the co-Queens, the Twins, when things really fell apart. Some say the coup succeeded only because the Omnipotent Cheney-Tron containment unit manufactured by Haliburton needed to be defillibrated and failed.
As the popuulation reeled in the wreckage and rust of what once was America, guilt set in and the blanket amnesty that had allowed the rogue clan to maintain their grip on power was revoked and the entire family was prosecuted. George was tried posthumously, he had died some years earlier in a tragic microwaved nacho incident in 2012. They were deported under protest claiming that they were only following Gods commands and that they were somehow related to the British Royal family and deserved some respect. Now they reside safely under guard on a remote penguin inhabited ice floe floating amid the remains of the rapidly melting antarctic ice shelf. The twins say that they are dedicating the rest of their lives to nursing baby penguins suffering from heat-stroke.............
It could happen, after all Pinochet finally has had his amnesty revoked after Chile was allowed to come to its senses!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I loved the biting satirical humor. Well Done! I could really appreciate it because in 1975 I was in the Pinochet controlled Chile at that time. The women were beautiful, the wine was good, and I was off of the streets by 10:00 PM curfew. I cannot believe the citizen population of this country is really considering allowing the Geneva Convention Laws to be bastardized by the CUT and RUN Republicans in control now.

    When you disagree and find flaws with their rhetoric, you are attacked and labeled as, “Cut and Run Liberal.” But these same label mongering leaders did everything they could to keep from performing their duty when they were called up during their South Asian War. Cheney took five deferments from the draft, Carl Roe lied to the draft board that he was a full time student giving him an exemption. Alfred E. Newman (What me worry?!?) had enough political clout to be a fighter pilot in the ever pressing Texas air campaign. When they were called upon to defend their country, they chose to “Cut and Run.” I should add that I personally do not have a problem with this fact. But don’t try to come off and play “Bucky Bad Ass” now. During this same time when I was with MIUW 604, (Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare) we had a name for these people talked tough but who ducked out when called upon. It was another name for a kitty cat.

    Now when I hear the mindless repeat the rhetoric on what we need to be able to fight the terrorist here and over there, “I’d rather fight them in Iraq instead of here in the U.S. and what the military needs to do, etc. I simply ask them, "Oh, buy the way, when did you serve?” I always get the head bent down looking at the ground, scuffing their shoe across the ground, and in a mumbled voice say, “Well…well I didn’t.” Then I’ll reply, “So you really don’t know anything about what you are talking about?” Surprisingly, Mr. Know-it-all’s conversation usually ends there.

    When the founders of this country wrote the Constitution with the Bill of Rights, we were under attack by the greatest superpower of the time. The wisdom of our founding fathers still saw the first ten amendments as being very necessary to the citizens of the new country they were forming.

    This administration sees an attack by a handful of religious zealots using four commercial planes, and thinks we need to abandon these rights with special phone taps and invasion of privacy. Yes, all of the tools that the Pinochet Federal troops had in Chile. Only this group reminds me of the movie Animal House who were on special “Double Secret Probation.”

    McCain knows what it means to be a prisoner of war has been fighting Captain Chicken Shit on this issue. I am afraid he is going to compromise too far to assimilate to these nut jobs wishes. The Geneva Convention Laws are to protect OUR prisoners of war as well as everyone else’s.

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” (Ben Franklin)

    “The success of a Democracy is dependent on the art of truth.” (Thomas Jefferson) (Something this administration does not seem to be concerned with)
