Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm asking you........

On October 10th, there was an attack on Forward Base Falcon in the Green Zone in Bagdahd. The munitions dump exploded when a mortar round was fired into it. The explosion rocked the city and was seen on the news all over the world.
The official US casualty list was very low. I have been seeing reports that the actual casualty count was very high and that the administration is working vry hard to cover it up and discredit any mention of it. They have released disinformation already that the base was very small when in fact it is approximately a square mile in size.
Any more info out there?
I will publish more as I am able to verify my information.


  1. After a while, sadly, we here in the states become numb to 'it' all.

    Bush and Cheney blather on as if we Americans are listening. Most of my friends switch the channel when either appear on the screen.

    The few who do watch are those who were deeply duped by this cadre of villains, who want to believe that they weren't. Psychologically damaged folks who need a 'father' image. Der Führer replay.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Hello Liberal Dem and All,
    I have a nephew in Fallujah, Iraq with the Marine Corp. convoy group. This young 20 something has been there for over a year. He will call me on occasion and let me know that he is OK. He passes on that they do not dare go out past the confines of the perimeter of their base. He also said that when you see the children cheering in the streets laying praise on the American troops, they are just trying to get you to go down a street that has been set up for an ambush or booby-trapped. If the street is a dead end, that is even better because you have to double back through the same ambush to get out.

    Bush was just on the news saying how we are winning the war in Iraq but may need to adjust our strategy. This is obvious a placation to the nearing election than any true reassessment of this Administration’s screw-ups.
