Tuesday, November 14, 2006

An Autumn Salad

This is a short blog today. Reality has caught up. Lots of wood to split and saw, the lawn and garden have got to be attended to. We have visitors arriving from Australia for a few days and things have to get cleaned up...then there is the satellite reciever that keeps deprogramming itself!
So, I am going to suggest a salad, perhaps it would be a great entree for the fried chicken?
Very simple, very good! You need to get some herbed soft cheese, like Boursain and a ripe pear.
Compose the salad on individual plates.
I did this with red oak leaf lettuce, but you could use romaine.
Make a dressing with olive oil, stoneground mustard, lemon juice and a scant teaspoon of honey.
Cut the pear into thin slices and fan it out on a bed of lettuce. Crumble some of the herbed cheese and perhaps some walnut pieces.
Pour on the dressing.
Serve it!
Very fresh, very good!
Now I have to do my French Homework!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Hello Patrick,
    This is why I love your site. You not only address current events but you follow up with some great recipes. At my age, my body metabolism is slowing down and I need to eat more salads. I have also been looking for a great salad dressing recipe. On my farm, I have six red bartlet pear trees. In the middle of August, they produce some of the best pears I have ever had. They produce so many now, I give away as many as I can and people love them. No pesticides or herbicides are used ether. You can be sure I will be using this recipe in the future. I will probably try it this Thanksgiving or when I am entertaining over Christmas. When I was in the Navy and someone had done an excellent job, the accolade spoken to this person was, “Bravo Zulu!” (Simply means “Job well done.”) So to you my friend, “BRAVO ZULU!” Keep up the good work.
