Sunday, November 26, 2006

Giant Green Hemmorhoid of Doom

It's big, it's green, it's semi ambulatory, it talks! Why does anyone listen?
Today, after an afternoon outside planting 3 birch trees. (This is the Sainte Catherine...the time when you must plant trees and shrubs!) I came in and my wife was watching Wolf Blitzer on CNN International. He had Zibignew Brezinski and Henry Kissinger on to debate about the future of American involvement in Iraq. Of course Henry was "stay the course" and making bizarre projections of the triumph of the American Will in spite of the fact that there is no definable goal in this mess that could ever be described as victory. As I listened to him spin each question and seemingly make up his answers as he went along, I started to think, why is he even taken seriously anymore? What foreign policy was he responsible for that wasn't an unmitigated nightmare? He was responsible for the coup in Chile that brought Pinochet to power and caused thousands of Chileans years of brutal dictatorship and torturous deaths. He was Secretary of State for Richard M. Nixon and did the same thing then as America is now doing in Iraq. Constantly changing the definition of victory and spinning away as thousands of Americans and Vietnamese died for no real reason.
Yet, he is given this senior statesman homage as the grand old man of American foreign policy. This is the man who bombed Cambodia and supported brutal coups that brought dictators to power all over the Americas. What possible good came from any of his schemes? Chile has a Socialist President again and anti American feelings due to his policies has resulted in most of South and Latin America electing governments that don't want American influence or involvement. Finally, in spite of all we have done, Vietnam is turning into a real success story. They did it withouut our aid and in spite of our embargoes.
Why give this inflamed aged senile agent of doom the time of day?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Henry Kissinger is the reason I was sent to Chile when I was with MIUW604. I lost three friends down there. One had his throat cut, one was found floating in the harbor of Santiago, the other was lost in an ambush. Kissinger was a screw-up then, and he is still a screw-up. By the way, Marshal never had anything good to say about Kissinger ether.
