Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Gaze Into the Crystal Ball

As I gaze into my crystal ball, images are swirling in a haze. I can vaguely make out Donald Rumsfeld being dragged screaming hideoulsy in front of a military tribunal in a grey room...could it be Guantanamo? There are palm trees outside the window...The swirling glitter powder obscures the image and I can't be sure......
There's a helicopter on the front lawn of the whitehouse and George Bush Jr. scurrying across the grass, knuckles dragging on the ground, carrying a briefcase stuffed with cash. He trips and the suitcase bursts open and money and bags of white powder spill out and get caught in the backwash of the copter....I can't see any more, the clouds of white powder are fogging up the ball...
Hmm, I seem to be able to make out Dick Cheney driving full speed in a black unmarked SUV into a police roadblock somewhere in Georgetown. He has a few shotguns in the car, a open bottle of Jack Daniels and Mickeys Malt Liquor...he has the leads from his pace maker plugged directly into the cigarette lighter slot on the dashboard. He is making a strange grunting noise, sort of like Marvin the Martian in the Bugs Bunny Cartoons......I can't make out any more because the Veeps SUV hit a truck which contained an industrial paper shredding service that has just left his office...there is a paper storm of shredded incriminating documents..............
Meanwhile, the entire whitehouse staff has come out of the closet and is roaming the deserted hallways in drag. A few deranged and defrocked Evangelical Christian ministers are begging for forgiveness as they snort crystal meth off of the top of a bust of George Washingtons head. One of them sneezes and the swirling meth clouds up the air and I can't see anything anymore...
Hmmm...this crystal ball is acting very strangely, either I have to take it into the shop for it's 100,000 mile tune up, or maybe the Democrats will actually win both the senate and the house on Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Patrick my friend, I Laughed Out Loud. Loved the work. I just finished handing out the last of the flyers we produced exposing the corruption of the State Senators misdeeds. Now all we can do is wait and see what Tuesday brings. Good Luck to us all. Later this week I will take some time to tell you about a conversation I had last summer with Jack Kemp. Last month I heard my own words come out of his mouth on NPR radio. One man can make a difference! (Personally, I still think he is a typical "Let me carry the Republican message ball to the public" jerk but I did get him to say somthing different for once.)
