Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just Another Weird News Day

Extra, Extra read all about it! George Bush Jr. is going to build the biggest and the most expensive presidential Library ever!
He already has a half BILLION dollars in donations! All this for just a few copies of My Pet Goat and a pop up version of the Constitution. I'm waiting to hear about the Cheney Vice Presidential Library, you put books in and they come out the back door in shredder bins.....
Bush Twins asked to leave Argentina! I thought they were making a big effort to look as if they were leading responsible lives devoted to Public Service now. Jenna got her purse and cell phone stolen. A Secret Service Agent got beat up. The Argentinian tabloids are running headlines like "Bush Twins Run Nude in Hotel Hallway"...hey I'm not making this stuff up. The US Embassy asked them to leave because they couldn't keep up with the securty risks of the non stop partying. Heck, leave the girls alone! They're only 24, dad didn't stop until he was into his mid 50's.
Lead story of the Drudge report this morning! Woman in Burka with George Bush Jr.s'
face! Amazing....Now find her mother with George Bush Sr.s' face or her father with Babs' glowering visage....OUCH!
I'm already taking bets for the fight of the century! LUCHA LIBRE! Trent Trash Talkin' Lott no holds barred against Karl The Texas Turdblossom Rove! They're already saying nasty things about each other and the stage is set for a clash of these semi-ambulatory Titans! You will be on the edge of your seat as we wait to see which one needs to be jump started after getting defibbulated from the exertion! YEESH!
The Republican Controlled Congress might meet 6 more times befor the end of their reign...long enough to do absolutely nothing regarding the very pressing real disasters deferred until the new Congress is seated. Ohh, there's more......

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