Thursday, November 30, 2006

Resignation Day!

Voila! Here it is, copy this letter. All George has to do is follow the simple directions and send a copy to Condoleeza Rice and it's over. That's how Nixon did it. Simpler than impeachment or a messy coup. Copy this letter and print it out and distribute copies. Post them on the walls, on bulletin boards.
Of course, then we would have to deal with Cheney, buut, hey, I'm working on it.....
(click on the image to enlarge!)


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Well Done" my friend!!

  2. A tip of the hat to wjohnson who provided me with the copy of
    R M Nixons resignation letter to Henry Kissinger!
    Resign, Bush! If enough people think and say it, he just might hear it!

  3. Arrogance creates deafness in some people Microdot.

  4. Simple and elegant -- just make it a two for one form and include Cheney.
