Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey Pardons Bush

The entire nation and a beleagured president could all breath a sigh of relief as the official White House Turkey pardoned George Bush Jr. "I'm truly sorry for the illegal wire tapping, honest, I am" George yammered as Bitey, the big white fowl with a bigger heart stared soulfully with his beady little turkey eyes into the Pres' own wide set of reptillian peepers. "I don't know what came over me, I didn't want to torture people, I just wanted to scare them a bit...I guess, I went a little overboard, sob, sniffle, know I'm really a softy deep down inside...I...uhhh...ohh, darn!", George started to sob and snuffle.......
Bitey the Turkey made some concilliatory gobbling noises and gave what might be construed as a wry consoling smile of understanding, if that's what turkeys do under these circumstances. It is very hard to read a turkey. He gobbled and clucked and shook his wattle in remonstrative motion and George, now on the same wavelength as Bitey and able to understand him..went on..."Uhhh, I, uhhh, well, I'm sorry I lied to the American people about the reasons I wanted to go to war with was..sob, gasp, all about...oil...sob...and I uhhh...have been lying to the American public all along about global's...uhhh...real and the time is running out...there, I've said it! I feel better all ready, sniff" George wiped a tear with his sleeve and blew his nose. Just then Laura walked into the room a fashion victim to the end, dressed in another beige on tan plaid non-threatening pants suit.
"Laura, Dear,"George sweetly said,"You know, I feel great now that Mr. Bitey here has pardoned me. Let's have him over for dinner tonight! I've been able to talk to him and he truly understands me!"

So the Bushes had Mr. Bitey over for Thankgiving Dinner and we shall never speak of this again. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my readers!


  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Hello Patrick,
    Loved the satire piece. You had me laughing aloud again.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sad to see that Mr Bitey met such a terrible end. There's a great piece in a recent New Yorker about a guy who collects a bunch of wild turkey eggs, hatches them and imprints himself upon the hatchling's brains. He learns how to talk turkey and a whole lot about turkey intelligence -- which is far superior to that of G W Bush!

    Love your blog! Am linking to it and hope you'll return the favor!

