Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The View from Europe

I will post more on my reactions to the great victory for America last night. I would like to congratulate and thank anyone who comes to this blog and voted or worked and suffered to help this happen. The above image was in yesterdays Guardian by the very lethal cartoonist, Martin Rowson.
I just watched the noon news on France 3 and they broadcast a report from Cleveland, Ohio which focused on the very real and ignored problems of poverty and unemployment. Those were the issues that no politician spoke of in the campaign.
One great side effect of this election here, is that it really takes the wind out of the sails of the UMP candidate, Nikolai Sarkosi who seems to be trying to forge a tie with Bush and capture some of his fascist aura.................


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Hello Patrick,
    Thanks for the “outside looking back in” perspective from Europe of last night’s elections. All went well for me except the 20 year, incumbent, corrupt, Republican State Senator in Annapolis won by a 59% to 41% over the Democratic challenger. The registered Republicans are the smallest political group in the area. The Democrats are the largest with the Independent being the second. The sad thing is the Democrats (mainly the farmers) are conservative and have listened for to long to Rush Limbaugh and right wing radio while riding in their tractors all day. The other group of Democrats is those who have retired to the area to spend the “Golden Years.” They are even more conservative than Rush or can’t be bothered. It is the youth in the areas that are registering as Independents.

    On the state level, it was the Baltimore / Washington corridor that pushed the Democratic Senate and Governor race to their wins. The moderate Republican Congressman that I work with on projects won with 63% of the vote.

    When I called the State Senate Challenger last night, I told her that the Democrats are going to have to work on building a base to win back the Democrats and bring on board the independents in the area starting now. In the Navy, we call it the 7 “P’s”. Proper, Prior, Planning, Prevents, Piss Poor, Performance. They cannot wait until just a few weeks before an election and think they area going to oust a 20-year incumbent. The business of government is still business, and this is just simple marketing.

  2. We in Ohio are mighty proud folks today in that we helped sink Bush's boat with two torpedo shots into the hull.

    Hats off to Montana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Missouri.

    Honorable mention to Indiana for throwing out three red Republicans in the House.
