Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bonne Annee 2007!

Bonne Annee tout le monde!
I'm working on my resolutions. I seem to have some of same ones every year. Take off a few kilos and most important, keep them off! Work less, earn more, but this time, I resolve to finish the Rev. Moon piece that I keep researching! I tried to keep politically involved in 2006, but 2007 means harder work for all of us.
Try to not lose my coherence when I lose my temper. I've met some very interesting people as result of the blogosphere and I value this new form of communication very much. I want to wish everyone a prosperous, healthy, productive year and hope we can all gain from each others knowlege and slowly bring the world a little more sanity
and have fun at the same time! Now it's time for our New Years Eve Party!!!!


  1. Best wishes for the next year to you and to The Brain Police -- for keeping us all on our toes!

    Love your blog! Wonderful Keaton article, by the way. Have you ever the short Beckett film aptly titled "Film" with Keaton, circa 1965?

  2. Happy new year back atcha Microdot! Always a good time yappin with ya!

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Hello Microdot,
    Thank you!! Your Blog has given me very much entrainment and a place to escape and find like-minded people to have conversations with. Being involved with the Republican Party, I have to listen to so much “Rush Babble” from the “Cool-aide Drinkers” when I try to present more logical or science based facts to persuade the party. Sometimes I do get through. I never get over the look on people’s faces when they realized that Rush Limbaugh has just out and out lied and they have been quoting him for years.

    I have made with my daughters your recipes to the pleasure of those whom we severed them to.

    Keep up the good work because I can hardly wait for the next subject from you.
