Friday, December 15, 2006

McCain Hates Our Freedom Also...

New Legislation proposed by John McCain would severely limit our freedom to use blogs as a forum for political discussion.
I keep thinking that this guy is probably the most dangerous man in American politics. Bush was a tool...He was allowed to think that he had "original" ideas and encouraged to believe that he was chosen to lead. As product spokes person, he spoke the lines he was supplied and then stroked to believe that he was clever enough to have thought of them on his own. That's also why Bush has lasted as long as he has. He would have been discovered and discredited a long time ago had he not been handled by a group who thought for him.
McCain is a different story, he is independant enough to believe he is an original thinker. He can be witty, clever and charming when he has to. He has been able to be different personas to different audiences. He gets along well enough, joking with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. He gets along even better with an audience of brain washed Christian Fundamentalists College Students, pandering to their warped, right wing, Christio-fascist religious views.( Like that? sort of the oppositte of Islamo-fascist?)
So his new bright idea? Limit the freedom of bloggers. Why? Because in his warped justification, they provide and encourage child molestation. Let's not come right out and say that he'd like to shut down blogs because of the power this new media has to encourage and spread those pesky leftish ideas. No, create a hype of outrage to mask his true intentions. Another totally hypocritical position from the greatest political whore in America!
Some of the proposed items of his legislation: You are responsible for the comments and images displayed on your blog and can be fined up to $300,000 for violations.
Blogs will have to delete personal profiles.
Bloggers who cannot afford to police the comments on their site will have to eliminate discussion.
This is all political manipulation of your freedoms disguised as fear. The reasoning used is that sex offenders have used the internet to meet potential victims.
This has very little to do with the reality of what he is proposing!
This dangerous hypocrite is the biggest politiical whore in America!


  1. If this law passes who is going to enforce this? FBI? Homeland Security? Department of the Internets?

    You know they'll target the big liberal blogs but leave Rupert Murdoch's MySpace alone--because after all, that's where the pedophiles are.

    by the way, nice pic of bubble blowing santa!

  2. the truth is always the first victim of a tyrrant.
