Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We Americans Expect Mediocrity!

I was less than amazed to learn that in the recent Congressional Quarterly Interview with Silvestre Reyes, Nancy Pelosis' choice for the head of the Congressional Intelligence Committee, that he was not quite up to speed so to speak on the realities of the Middle East.
This was after the drama witth Jane Harman, who supposedly was a rival of Pelosi. She was in line to be the head of the Committee and it was rather unexpected that she was spurned. There also was the problem with one time impeached Federal Judge, Alcee Hastings, who would have encountered etthics questions in his election to the head of the Committee. Reyes, Democrat from Texas also sits on the Armed Services Committee and is very involved with immigration legislation. He also is in favor of increasing troop levels in Iraq.
So it was with wide eyed amazement that I read the following exchange between Jeff Stein and Reyes in the Congressional Quarterly:

Stein: So, Al Quaeda is what? Sunni or Shiite?
Reyes: Al Quaeda, they have both. You're talking about predominately?
Stein: (not knowing quite what to say) Sure.
Reyes: Predominately probably Shiite.....

Come on, anyone who has been reading and listening and paying attention for the last few years knows that Al Quaeda is an Orthodox Sunni organization and regards Shiites as heretics! If a Shiite showed up at the Al Quaeda clubhouse, he would probably have his head removed and used as a soccerball.
When asked about Hezbollah," Sunni or Shiite?", he shook his head and said it was too early in the day for these questions.
To be fair, Bush has his Sunni/Shiite problems. Until just recently, he didn't even know that there was a difference! This is what America expects out of its politicians!
We adore mediocrity, smart guys scare us! Even Dr. Condoleeza Rice when first talking about the administrations decision to invade Afghanistan said, "Afghanistan, Holy Cow, we didn't even know where it was! We had to look on the map!"
Every day I get down on my knees to give thanks that these qualified people are keeping their brains uncluttered so they can concentrate on the things that really matter! .....uhhhh, what was it? I forgot!


  1. Sunnis? Shiites? Hey what's the big difference, anyway? They are all foreigners, right? Who needs 'em?

    Sorry, just doing a little impersonation of a typical ignorant U$ politician.

  2. Holy Shiite, Batman! What the hell is a Sunni?

    I don't know about the soccerball analogy. Personally I would have trouble juggling a human head - it doesn't have the bounce of a normal ball.
