Monday, December 18, 2006

You Could Have Put My Picture On The Cover!

So after a week of wild voting on their blog site, Time Magazine ignores the results and decides that I am the person of the year! Well, that's one of the most stale jokes on the web already! It also is the lamest decision Time could make.
If you had been following their on line poll, the clear winner was Hugo Chavez! Second Place was Nancy Pelosi. Third was Mahmoud Ahmandinejad and tied for fourth were George Bush and Al Gore, I kid you not!

I like the idea of Chavez as man of the year. A brilliant player, kept his face in the spotlight, spoke his mind and never buckled to massive intimidation. He is beginning to be grudgingly albeit recognized as a force for good in Venezuela and will change the face of the South American political scene.
I have seen him in critical in depth interviews on BBC and he always came across as sincere and charismatic. I can see why the America of George Bush's Administration regards him as a threat. He represents the waning influence of American power in the Southern hemisphere and the rising of another world order to take its place.
I'm sure that Time would have gotten a lot of flack if it had listened to the voters.
Me, man of the year on Time Magazine, who would of thunk it?


  1. I saw an interview with the editor of Time where he gave lame and, obviously PR dept explainations for the lame cover and choice. I'd say Sponge Bob would be a better candidate than Chavez. I could probably go to South America tomorrow and tell the peaseants how much I hate the USA and how the USA is completely responsible for all their ills and get elected to something. As long as I steer away from any mention of how much money has been dumped on them for decades to help feed and educate them by the USA it should be no problem.

    "He is beginning to be grudgingly albeit recognized as a force for good in Venezuela and will change the face of the South American political scene."

    Other than promises and confiscation of a crapload of foreign assets, what has he done but run his mouth? He's certainly not the first socialist to play the same games there.

  2. Hey Sepp, go to This blog will self destruct...Commandante Agi's site (link in the side bar) and make your own version of the Tine Cover! He gives you the tools and you can submit your version and he will publish it! Cool Beans!

  3. I nominate Carty!
