Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Because We Can!

This is day 3 of the SPOCKO'S BRAIN BLOG blogger swarm. It's growing, hundreds of bloggers have put the offending files up on their blogs. Hundreds more have posted about what Disney is doing to Free Speech and how they are protecting their own Hate Speech Radio KSOF in San Fransisco!
Check my post EL RATO for information as to how you can contact the sponsors of KSOF and lett them know what you think about the way their products are being sold! I will post some of the offending tracks in my next post on this subject in a few days (if I can figure out how to do it!).
Meanwhile, enjoy this panoramic view of the Disney Universe as drawn by the great Wally Woods! He was one of the great disney cartoon artists and must have been really pissed of when he drew this one!
I got this picture from Commadante Agis' blog Thisblogwillselfdestructinfiveseconds...
It's in the sidebar, check his stuff out now!

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the funniest pictures ever!
