Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Follow the simple instructions, Mr. Bush!

It's not as if it's never been done before. Just follow these simple instructions,
Mr. Bush.
Download this letter, it's dated today and I took the liberty of inserting
your signature.
If anyone reading this post wants, you can download the letter and send it to Mr. Bush.
He needs a little reminder that we don't think he's capable, he's not doing a good job and the longer he sticks around, the worse off we all will be. I rushed it to be ready in time for his State of The Union Address tonight!
Mr. Bush,
It's simple, painless, avoid uneeded impeachment hearings, you can get that long rest you 've been dreaming of and most importantly, get that new permanent vaction home in Paraguay squared away before the shit really hits the fan!


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    I totally skipped the Bull Crap Address by Alfred E. Newman last night. I knew that there would not be any truth in it nor would there be any value contained.

    Now the Scooter Libby trial has had its first day and the defense lawyers started right out of the gate with the statements that the divulgence of Valerie Plame being a CIA agent was Carl Rowe’s plan and that Dick Cheney ordered Libby to do the deed. Scooter is just the fall guy of the illegal divulgence of a CIA agent.

    The neo-con propaganda machine tries to put out the word that Valerie’s husband had been introducing his wife to others like, “This is my wife Valerie, the CIA agent.”

    When I talk with the right wing nut jobs within the party, I say, “OK, for the sake of argument let’s say this is true. But when this Administration made public that Valerie was in Iraq before the invasion gathering intelligence, her front was as an engineer working for an Engineering Consulting Company with an office in Iraq. The Engineering Consulting Company was the store front that other agents were using also. When Libby was ordered to expose Valerie, he also exposed all of the other agents working out of the Engineering Company and everyone they had been in contact within Iraq. With this one exposure, this Administration exposed, endangered everyone in Iraq involved, and shut down the intelligence gathering aspect that this country needed and is suffering the consequences now. Everyone within this Administration that was involved with exposing Valerie Plame, has betrayed this country in a time of a self indulgence war.

    In summation, they are traitors of the worst kind.

  2. You know, I was trying to find the intellectual means to say what you have said in this post last night. There is a blogger on Politics iin Mudville that is an out of control Right Wing Nut Case who is trying to dominate the blog and convert everyone to Radical Bushism Fundamentalist Wingnut Christianity.
    She went off about the Libby trial and how insignificant it was compared to Clintons' sexual indiscretions.
    I've tried ont to respond and feed into her compulsive combativeness.
    I feel she has to be ignored and she will burn out and go away, but I was too angry to even begin to coherently reply. Thanks, wj for the coherent logical framing of this criminal act!

  3. Yeah, it's the honorable thing to do. At least Agnew and Nixon knew whe to give up...

  4. Commandante, I see you are still using your "old look" for your posting picture...really man, the long hair and the beads really do a lot for your image...the chicks now a days really go for that chunky willy nelson look! I'm not gay man, but....that headband, whoaaaa!

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Hello Microdot and Liberal Dem,
    I would have put this on Liberal Dems site but he does not have the "other" options like you do. Ether way, I still get the word out and hope it gets passed around. That is the important part.

    I have seen a lot of people like Barb at the Republican affairs I attend. They are full of the Rush Dimblob rhetoric but good for a couple of hundred dollars donations. This administration refers to them as, “Time to whip up the nut jobs.” They don’t think for themselves or bother to research to make sure the crap they are spewing out is even correct. They just take it for the “leap of faith” that what neo-con radio has passed on is correct. They do not even realize that they are listening to an infomercial on a daily bases that plays only one tune.

    Barb maybe one of those lost souls that are in deep enough that she is ready to drink the Coolade and send her kid to “Jesus Camp.” They don’t realize that Jesus was a liberal thinker and questioned the established authority of the Roman Empire and the Jewish leaders they appointed. This is why they killed him on a cross.

    A couple of well placed questions and facts and you see the blank look of compilation and remembering when the rhetoric was just the opposite of what they were saying now.

    My payers will go out to Barb. :-)
