Saturday, January 06, 2007


The house of cards is tumbling down. It's taken too long for this house to fall, assembled from a pack of lies. It had no foundation , only madness to hold it up.
Yesterday, Joseph Biden, Democrat Senator from Delaware, said, "I have reached the tentative conclusion that a significant portion of this administration, maybe even including the vice president, believes that Iraq is lost. They have no answer to deal with how badly they screwed up it up. I am not being facetious now. There for the best thing to do is to keep it from totally collapsing on your watch and hand it off to the next guy-literally, not figuratively"
Please, Mr. Biden, tell us something we don't know. Still it's important that he said it and it is reported. This amidst the confusion of the reshuffling of the command structure of the army. The Generals who disagree with the presidents new policy or lack of it were jettisoned. We are waiting for the president to come up with his "New Way Forward". If this is as imaginative as they get with inspirational slogans, we are in real trouble. First we hear of a surge of 20,000 troops that will supposedly be one more shot to try to turn the situation around. This language brings to mind the loser mind frame of a recalcitrant heroin addict..."Just one last shot, that's all I need!"
The 20,000 troops don't exist and never will according to the latest Pentagon report.
They are resigned to a relatively small number of troops, between one and five brigades bringing the number more to 9,000. The Pentagon says there are few other options left to signal US determination in Iraq.
Who supports the escalation, let alone the war anymore? In an ABC News Survey released today, 33 of the Senators who voted for the war, now say that it was a mistake based on faulty information. Five Senators, including tthree Republicans say that the information was so faulty that it should never have been brought to a vote!
And of course there is the American Public of whom only 39% have any support for the war now.
Most telling is the mounting opposition in the top eschelon of the Republican Party as Trent Lott, the #2 ranking Republican in the Senate, stated yesterday that he would oppose a troop increase. As the Minority whip, it is his job to bring the Republican Senators in line to the party's wishes and if they aren't going to have it, it won't fly with the Democrats.
There's a hurricane beginning to blow in Washington, and the House of Cards is beginning to shake and ratttle. It's gonna blow their shaky cardboard house right down!

1 comment:

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    Take care.
