Thursday, January 04, 2007

Letter to Virgil Goode

Dear Representative Goode,
Tomorrow, Keith Ellison, the newly elected Democrat Muslim Representative from Wisconsin will be sworn in. As you have so wisely pointed out, he will be using a Koran instead of our Nations' Sacred Book, The Holy Bible. You have raised the warning cry about the dangers that this act could cause. The Nation has been alerted to this blasphemous, satanic act about to commited in the Sacred Halls of Congress!
Yet, he plans to go ahead claiming that America is a nation of religious tolerance and to add insult to injury, he plans to use a book that he claims was Thomas Jeffersons' personal copy of the Koran!
My mind boggles at the implications of this fact! Thomas Jefferson, the framer of the Declaration of Independance owned a Koran? He read the Satanic Verses contained within it's blood stained pages and still was allowed to write the docuument that our nation was founded on? This cannot be true and if it is, we must act accordingly.
The Declaration of Independance has to be scrutinized by the CIA or people from Dick Cheneys' staff to be sure that it contains no taint of Islamic Fundamentalistic Terror!
Could Jefferson have slipped coded references and messages that could be deciphered by Al Qaeda terrorist sleeper cells to inspire calls to action for the destruction of the Republic he "pretended" to support?
There is no time to wait, get the Pentagons Arab Translation team to work now if they are not being held already in Guantanamo because of the Satanic Knowlege they possess, or could possess.......

Mr. Microdot
A True Patriot!


  1. Like the photo affect!

  2. We must burn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Anti-Federalist Papers - anything Jefferson touched must be destroyed. You know, just to play it on the safe side...

  3. I imagine the Jefferson thought as much of the Koran as he did the Christian Bible -- which is to say he was properly skeptical about the contents.
