Friday, January 12, 2007


After all the dust settled and the gasbags all buzzed off, the reality of the US Airstrike in Somalia was revealed. No Al Qaeda wanted leaders were killed. The US trumpeted that 17 were killed and some definitely linked to the US African Embassy bombings.
They did kill over 100 Somali Villagers and a group of Canadian Relief workers. There are uncounted burnt bodies still in the debris.
The mood in Mogadishu is getting uglier. This certainly didn't help win any hearts and minds and it will never help the cause of democracy no matter what the chief liars and their parrots in the media say.
Though this PR Massacre sure provided some needed spin for the president and his long winded beligerant speech last night. As a backdrop to the subtext of his speech, American troops raided an Iranian embassy in Iraq, taking the staff hostage and seizing all papers and computers in a fishing expedition designed to find evidence of Iranian involvement in the violence in Iraq. I'm sure that if they "find" anything it will be doctored the way all evidence has been in this debacle has been cooked, fixed or fabricated. This was in clear violation of international law and in reality a clear cut act of war. Of course, the guys who ordered the strike knew that. Just let Iran try to respond, we've drawn a line in the sand again! The horrible reality is that the American Government is a lumbering behemoth and the apparatus to control the actions of renegade, mad leader move at glacial speed. If Bush attacks Iran, they are going to throw out the rule book. It's what they want and the right wing mediia is already falling into lockstep. How many times have you heard the opposition labeled "Enemy of The State" in the last few days? Yes, boys and girls, things are definitely hotting up!


  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    Wow, where to begin. At 6:30 AM EST this morning I just heard my friend, Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (R) of Maryland, say on Public Radio that he is against the Bush troop buildup in Iraq. He also went onto say that there are members in Congress making contact with both Iran and Syria going around the Bush administration with regards to the Iraq issue. He said this is what Condoleezza Rice should have been doing all along. The Congressman went onto say that for Bush to ignore the senior Generals’ and the Iraq Bi-Partisan Commission’s recommendations and order the 22K troops in to Iraq is just beyond all comprehension. (I should add that Wayne Gilchrest was a Marine who served in Viet Nam)

    Iranian subject:
    I also just heard this morning that after the U.S. attacked the Iranian Embassy in the Kurdish Region of Iraq, the U.S. Embassy in Greece was attacked by rocket fire. Now I am sure that the Bush Administration thinks they are justified in attacking the Iranian Embassy because Iranian students seized the U.S. Embassy in Iran during the Carter Administration. Now the fact that the Iranian Embassy is located in the Kurdish region and the only friendly region in Iraq to the U.S. troops, the Kurds did not need to know ahead of time he was going to do this. I mean, after all, where would be the surprise in that? If I was a Kurdish leader, I would now want the U.S. presence gone from my region also.

    I’m sure that this Administration thinks that if the whole middle-east region breaks out into a full blown war, they can use thermal nuclear war heads launched from subs in the Persian Gulf to wipe it all out. Then he can let God sort them out on who was good and who was bad. That is just was Jesus would want him to do!

    Somalia subject:
    We are now hearing that the Al Qaeda leaders that were killed in Somalia were completely wrong. All the gunship did was kill a village of people. Here is another “Gold Star” for Alfred E. Newman for keeping us safe from terrorism.

    As I see it, it is just a last gasping effort of an incompetent, alcoholic, coke whore, who got to be the leader of a country based on his last name; with the financial backing of the oil industry, from the state he had the job as the head of a baseball team and the Governorship bought for himself.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thomas Jefferson Quote:
    He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.

    Wayne Johnson paraphrasing Jefferson’s quote mathematically:
    0 > -1

  3. wj, great posts! It's very heartening to see that there are those in the government who have the guts to act independantly without worrying about being called Enemies of the State by Sean Hannity!
    These are desparate times and call for action. The administration knows that the government machinery can be out witted and subverted and can never cope with the action of impetuous madmen!

  4. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Hello Microdot,
    It feels good when you as a private citizen can get your thoughts and concerns through to your Congressman and he is willing to buck the Republican political machine. It does restore your faith in the system.
