Saturday, January 13, 2007

Revenge Of The Air Pirates!

This is day 6 and counting of the blogswarm against KSFO Radio in San Fransisco! Yesterday, the station finally reacted to the reality of the boycott of advertisers that is forming to drive their brand of hate off the air. They held an "open" discussion of the boycott on air. Melanie Morgan accused Media Matters
of attempted extortion in their role in the campaign. They claimed that Media Matters involvement threatened their jobs. They also labeled the entire blog community as a fringe lunatic group of unemployed losers.
Hey, KSFO can keep on broadcasting their garbage as long as they want and I can have the right to find it harmful, hateful and dangerous, because I can!
Their sponsors also have a right to know what kind of garbage they are responsible for airing and choosing if they want to be associated with it. Nobody has threatened them with bodily harm.
They have made themselves into the lightning rod for the collective disgust for this genre of race baiting and right wing violent demagogery. They are making themselves into Americas Poster Children of Hate.
This has moved into a bigger issue than the shutting down of Spocko's Brain, the incident which triggered all of this and Melanie Morgan and her cohorts have done all they could to make it so.
Take a little time to file a complaint with the FCC against Disney/ABC/KSFO . It will take 2 minutes tops. KSFO has to fill out a form for every one filed! It's time to devalue the property when Eiger finally gets around to selling it off when the stench hits his office! Also take some time to go back to my original post El Rato and check out the links there for lists of the sponsors to writte to if you are inclined!
I was trying to find some Air Pirates art work to use, but all websites that had it up have been wiped. More work of the RAT!

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