Friday, February 09, 2007


Things get more complex in the election here. The Sarkozi machine steamrolls on. Speaking in Toulon, in front of a right wing crowd, Nikola went farther than Jacques Chirac ever went pursuing the racist votes in the South East. Jacques was never forgiven in a speech in the 90's when he referred to the majority of French being offended by la bruits et le odeurs (the noise and smell)of an immigrant population.
Sarkozi, in front of a rabid nationalist crowd, referred to immigrants who refused to speak French in public, practiced female genital mutilation, teenage circumcision on boys and slaughtered sheep in their bathtubs, images tailored made to incite racial hatred in the crowd. Only 3 days before, he stood in front of a crowd of workers and invoked the names of the great French Socialists and tried to say that he represented the true ideals of the working class and the lost vlues of socialism. In just 3 days, he tried top be everything to both ends of the political spectrum.
Meanwhile, his attack dogs are out in the media, tearing into anything from The Socialists. Criticizing Segolenes wardrobe, speculating on her relationship with Francois Hollande. Things never seen before in French politics, there is a lot of just plain shock at the attempt to run an American style campaign based on the Republican model..
Segolene on the other hand has been making media appearances and everytime she does appear, she shines. She is behind in the polls, but on the 11th, she will release her program and become muchmore visible. Sarkozi did a 3 hour live meeting with an audience asking questions that seemed to damage him more than help him. His major ethnic star endorsement, a rap artist called Doc Gyneco has self destructed gloriously on one talk show after another promoting his book which it seems he has never actually read. He will never sell another cd again. It seems that he was induced to support Sarko by a deal to do a cell phone commercial for Virgin which was arranged by Sarkos buddies. Once Virgin realizes that they have hitched their wagon to a lead weight..............
On the other hand, the intellectual community, the immigrant community and a lot of the artistic community have seemed to unite to fight the racist Sarkozi. Artists like Diam's, Le Grand Corps Malade, Abu Malik, Renaud and the entire rap community have undergone an artistic renaissance. Incredible stuff everywhere. The humorists are inspired. Something is really happening here that is off the metters of the poll watchers, the political pundits and the foreign analysts...nobody is calling it right.Meanwhile, Jose Bove announced his presidential candidacy and 3 days later was sentenced to 3 months in prison for destroying corn fields sown with genetically altered crops. He is adamnantly running his campaign from prison! Great propaganda!
Speaking of great propaganda, I'm going to start posting French campaign videos.
Even though, they are in French, there is so much great creativity going on that I have to try to let the rest of the world see it.
This first piece is called Le Nain (the dwarf) Nikolai Sarkozi is a little mean sprited man and there is a special place in the French heart for a lawn dwarf....


  1. Thanks... keep posting this stuff... I'm reading...

    Takes me a while to translate the videos though, with my shitty rusty French and all.

  2. I am going to post a live Diam's video called simply Fuck Sarkozi!
    This woman rocks! It's great to see a crowd of hundreds of rabid fans all whipped into anti Sarko rage!
    My wife claims to think in French...she is a French citizen...I am, sigh, getting better but when the slang starts flying, I'm lost.

  3. It must be a leftist thing to paint everyone who isn't a socialist as a nazi. The immigrant problems seem to be effecting every developed country with a modern infrastructure. Like it or, not, some immigrants came to France to leach off of the system rather than to add to it and, it's only natural that the French who are carrying the weight of the social system on their backs start harboring resentment.

  4. I take it you like the nasty little lawn dwarf of doom? Yeesh, I saw him attempt to give Angela Merkel a Bush like touchy move last night and the woman shrank from his touch...
    It was hilarious, him and Juppe with a television crew ambushed her in an art gallery in Berlin and attempte to look presidential...she finally shook his hand and gave him the good luck and get lost brush off. He told the press that he had given her advice and he couldn't divulge it because it was confidential. He did the same thing when he came to the US and had his "meeting" with Bush. He was there for a 20 minute photo op which he turned into a 2 hour advice session for the press. What is it with these short right wing male politicians? Can you imagine a summit between Blair, Bush, Putin, Sarkozi and if he was still aroubnd Berlusconi...oh yeah we can't forget Asnar...getting through the handshake competitiion would be the real first event! Sepp, I'm tthink that you don't know crap about French politics, you just want to pay me back for writing French stuff on your site.
    You want a translation?
    "You seem to have a porcupine stuck up your ass!"
    I did't say it to you, it was the fellow who posted the line of logic about global warming ending with the French not bathing.

  5. I never said Natzi...I said Fascist!
    You right wing drama queens! Crickey!
