Friday, March 16, 2007

Internet Voyage to Toledo, Ohio

I love local history and trivia. "Local" is where ever I happen to be and what ever I find interesting. I lived in Toledo, Ohio for quite a while in the late 60's through the 70's and because of the time of my life there, a part of me still identifies myself as a Toledoan. This is the best site I have ever seen for trivia, history and artifacts dealing with that very special part of Northwest, Ohio.
Just A Comment. It's now in the side bar for you navigational ease. Let Jeffrey Smith show you a past that you never knew you had such nostalgia for!
While you are at it, visit Politics in Mudville for real time passionate political and philosophical articles by LD, a man who never disappoints or bores you! I think he has one of the best one man blog operations I have ever seen! Not high tech, no whistles or buzzers, just an intellectual and political smorgasbord!
HistoryMike for articles on history and views of his life and observations.
Toledo Lefty for the views of a young woman who presents her views of life and politics.
When you want to know what's really happening in the real Toledo, well, there's always Toledo Tales to put your mind back where it belongs?
Not, Toledo, but a very interesting writers blog, Trouble Every Day. Original, surreal and very da da...Jimbo (sloop john b) is a great discovery.


  1. I lived in Toledo, Ohio for quite a while

    I'm very sorry.


  2. Aw, come on: Toledo has its charms.

    I'd rather live in Toledo than Dallas, where I spent a small chunk of my life, and it's certainly better than Detroit, where I lived for 25 years.
