Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Outside of the Green Zone....

Now even the hard core believers are beginning to doubt!
Exactly what neighborhood of OZ was John McCain talking about?
He has proved that the current crop of talked about candidates for the GOP Presidential nomination are totally delusional!
"There are neighborhoods in Bagdhad safe enough to take a walk in"
ranks right up there with the mere conceit of Guliani even thinking that he could be an
acceptable candidate for the Republicans.
Tell me more about how much you support Alberto Gonzalez!


  1. The Republicans would be better served to save their money until 2012. That way they may actually have their shit together by then and have enough saved up to compete with Hillary's cash machine. GWB should be just a bad memory by then and the GOP may actually have rebuilt it's reputation...but, we'll see in 2012.

  2. awesome image! the wizard's powers of mind control sure aren't working! are Segolene's prospects? I heard a report on NPR last week about a "centrist" farmer candidate entering the race which might steal some of her support.

  3. CNN's eporter in Iraq called it Neverland...

  4. Commandante, I will post another French election update this week end. It's getting ugly and actually very exciting.
    In my post on this page, Your Election Update, I talk about Mr. Bayrou and how the American press is a few beats behind reality and feeding off of the popular French media.
    Bayrou has peaked and is beginning to fade. He is a vapid pendantic centrist in a country which has no center.

  5. Into the land of LaLa strolled a naive Texas governor...
