Sunday, May 06, 2007

still not here

An experiment, I'm blogging remotely. I am still on Blog Vacation! I thought I would be back this weekend, but one week turns into two weeks!
I am working with a small team of people, carefully primping and gussying up about 20 hectares of merlot and cabernet grapes, one vine at a time so Chateau Vieux Chevrol can have a great harvest this fall.
We are about half way done and it is Sunday, a day off and French election day.
It is oddly silent and a very nice sunny, breezy and pleasant spring day. The last week has been chilly and wet and next week looks wet as well.
I have my fingers crossed for a miracle for Segolene Royal. There seems to be a real ocean of support for here in the Southwest of France. I saw a lott of tthe Sarkozy/Royal debate and she was straight forward, confrontational and unrattled by Mr. Sarkozy's tactics. Her economic figures may have been a little vague, but she didn't outright lie as he did and does.
The best moment was near the end when the discussion turned to the handicapped and education and she accused him passionately of not having the same definition of Morality as she did. She lit into him for five minutes and it was fun seeing him use every ounce of his will to keep himself under control.
Of course the pundits immediately called this as unpresidential, but I saw passion, the very thing that in another era and atmosphere would create a great leader instead of an authoritarian technocrat.
I hope we are all surprised tonight. I hope that if Mr. Sarkozy wins, the associations in the banlieus that were able to mobilize so successfully for Madame Royal can keep the lids on the unrest that is brewing.
The more violence, the easier it will be for him to grandstand for his tougher security and repressive laws. France needs time to breath. This being France, if he wins...the people who were hood winked into supporting him thinking that he was going to bring them magical prosperity and security will learn that here was a crucial third part to his "work more, earn more" slogan....PAY MORE!
This guy is beginning to remind me of Nixon.
Hopefully, I'll be back at the end of next week. Until then...a bientot!

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