Saturday, June 23, 2007

Family Portrait

Post coming soon, I just had to share this very special portrait of the
Newest Version of the New Sarkozy Government
as soon as my photshop pixels were dry!


  1. It is unfortunate for him that someone thought he should be on a pedestal. Looks silly and pretentious, doesn't it.

  2. Gee, Babs, here's a little secret...
    It's a photoshop gag..I put him on the pedestal.
    Chouette, n'est pas?

  3. Well, Hell, mr.copsarechickenshit...
    If all the stuff on your blog is the truth then you have a right to be leaving this link here!
    This guy has a tale to tell!
    Check it out!
    Barb, take this as a warning, wait till yyou get home before you pop the top of your 16 os. malt liquor can!

  4. You can do that? Gee--we can't trust our eyes anymore, can we --this is going to cause a lot of political trouble, seems to me. Doctoring photos so convincingly.

  5. Well I went to chicken's blog and that is some interesting tale -and I see he is trusting in His Lord Jesus. I surely do feel sorry when the authorities get it wrong, don't you?

    But bad language hurts his cause --and shooting off his lip from the hip, so to speak, is what got the police riled at him in the first place --instead of the guilty one --if his tale is accurate.

  6. Barb, why don't you alert the Department of Homeland Security to investigate us Photoshop Artists.

  7. He's really taking after Napoleon if he's that insecure about his height.

  8. Height is of no real importance in judging leadership. George W. Bush is 6 feet and is an incompetent dolt.

  9. Microdot, see my post today on Johnny got his gun for the daily depressing note about this fucking war.

  10. The pic made me laugh by the way!!!

  11. Interesting to hear from the group that just returned to Toledo from Iraq --on tv -fellow said progress was being made there and that their going and leaving family since april had been worth it. He felt good about his service in iraq.

  12. that's nice,
    I'm glad everything is so nice in Iraq. I was beginning to get worried.
    Have a nice day! :)
