Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Fatal Glass of Beer.......

Hmmm, somebody "fell off the wagon".


  1. I already got some flack from those who say that this is a non-alcoholic beer...did you ever read the label on non-alcoholic beer?
    There is no such thing.....

  2. Agreed, Microdot. They usually have about 1/2% alcohol.

    Plus, those who are trying to avoid alcohol should avoid reminders of what it is they are avoiding.

    It's a short step from an O'Doul's to a Budweiser.

    As someone on an extended hiatus from hooch, I can say that the taste of an "almost-no-alcohol" beer would make me want the real deal, and fast.

    Better to switch to iced tea or water...

  3. That's quite a head of foam on that thar supposedly non-alcoholic beverage! Wonder what chemical comibination produces it?

    And then of course the next day he has a "headache" and can't meet with all the bigwigs.

  4. wow....

    Explains a lot over the last few years.

  5. About the non-alcoholic excuse: should be easy to prove by enlarging the picture. W appears to have poured it himself. Merkel is not drinking beer, it appears. White wine maybe. But an enlargement would indicate whether this was NA or not.

  6. W did indeed pour it himself. It was excerpted from video footage shown on French TV on Friday.
    Not only did he pour it, but the head over flowed and it messed up the table.
    If you think I should, perhaps I will print and enlargement of the lable, because it is a non-alcoholic brew. But as I and HistoryMike have pointed out, there is no such thing. Most recovered alcoholics I know, and I do know some successful ones, say that if you are sincere in not drinking, you would never go the route of Near Beer!

  7. She brings out the worst in him. He really seems to have a thing for her, showing off for her like a frat boy. I hope he had the decency to only grope her under the table this time.

  8. Bush wasn't the only leader to succumb to G-8 spring break madness!
    After a meeting with Valdimir Putin, Nicolas Sarkozy did a press conference. The little teetotalin hyper president was not just a little drunk, he was loony drunk...It must have been those lime jello vodka shots that Vlad was plying him with!
    I am trying to get video!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This isn't the first story involving him drinking alcohol.

    From the AP on November 21, 2005 on his trip to Mongolia:

    After the 13-minute speech, Bush ventured just outside the capital to sip fermented mare's milk and listen to the traditional Central Asian art of throat singing.

    ''Really special,'' he commented.

    I'll bet.

    This picture is good for a laugh, but if you take it seriously, you are making something out of nothing.

    I loathe the man and let's face it, he's incompetent sober or drunk.

    I wonder, though, if he's also snorting baking soda in the bathroom between photo ops.
