Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Please Don't Kill Me!"

Is Bush going to pardon Scooter Libby? Both sides are braced for the inevitable. It seems in the media, Scooter is universally portrayed as a victim of a harsh justice system looking for a scapegoat. A advisor for Obama is raising the argument that a pardon for Libby would focus attention on where it really belonged, the Chief Executives. A pardon would place Bush's fingerprints more clearly on the case.

I don't agree at all. We have seen a pattern since the days of Nixon in which the scales of justice do not work the same for Republicans as they do for the rest of us. Nixon was pardoned by Gerry Ford, the man who became president because of Nixon. He claimed he was saving the nation from a traumatic crisis which would occur if Nixon had been impeached and prosecuted.

During the term of George Bush Senior, he pardoned all the convicted players in the Iran/Contra Scandal, using the same reasoning. The American people would be traumatized by prosecuting these great Americans who served their country well.
One of these pardoned criminals is Eliot Abrams who is currently an official in the Bush White House, a rehabilitated ex-felon who was responsible for the near coup d'etat against Hugo Chavez in 2002.

I on the other hand think that a nation needs traumas and society has to face harsh realities to keep the sense of justice and fairplay alive. Where was this sense of Justice and compassion the Republican seem to think that the Public needs to see when they were trying to impeach Clinton over a sexual pecadillo and lying about it to the American public? There were almost weekly new fantastic charges brought against the Clintons and a Greek chorus of blood thirsty conservative media geeks promoting his immediate prosecution for unproven charges ranging from land deal fraud to out and out accuasations of murder.

In fact, when Clinton pardoned a criminal, the financer, Marc Rich, the Republicans had a full blown fit! Now to put this into focus, Mr. Rich's lawyer was none other than Scooter Libby.

Why should we hold the Republicans to a lower standard of behaviour than the rest of us? How can the media try to make claims of of a witch hunt, when the prosecution of Libby occurred before the 2006 election, when the Republicans were the majority?
The prosecutor, Fitzgerald was an administration appointee who if he was involved in a case prosecuting a Democrat would be hailed as the tough go get 'em bulldog type of prosecutor who makes America Great!

The biggest hypocrite in all of this is will be, if he pardons Libby, George Bush Jr. You know the tough guy, give em the death penalty and don't blink an eye guy the Republicans elected as president? The guy who in a Tucker Carlson interview back in 1999 mocked an inmate on death row, Karla Faye Tucker, who was the focus of an amnesty move? There was a lot of shaky evidence against Karla and George ignored the pleas and she was executed. When He was asked by Tucker if he had any regrets, he ended up mocking her by imitating what he thought she would say to him if she could have spoken to him, "Please!" Bush whimpered in mock desparation"Please, dont kill me!"

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