Monday, August 13, 2007


I'm actually still reeling from the stupid brutal insanity of the fascist Stu Brykofsky blog I reprinted in my last post. How could the Philadelphia Inquirer be so irresponsible as to allow him to print it without any disclaimer? I was an eyewitness to the World Trade Center destruction. Me and millions of other New Yorkers watched the death of thousands and dealt with it. I am most angry about how it has been politically highjacked.
This is the first time I feel justified in wondering, why isn't Mr. Bryofsky's scalp hanging from the outhouse wall? Why is this guy still an employee of The Inquirer? Why is the outrage confined to a small portion of Americans who see him for the fascist demagogue he truly is?

Okay, I got that off my chest! Now I have to figure out what I can do to make it happen! And, I'm not heartened by the "Resignation" of Karl Rove today! It's just musical chairs, public relations window dressing. Now he is free to get back behind the curtains and groom the next new model dictator!


  1. I feel like making a sign and walking through the streets with it, "WE'RE DOOMED!"

  2. Well sir, I did also when I wrote this piece, but it's a new day and the sun is shining and I have bright new ideas! Let's keep sharing them!
