Thursday, September 13, 2007


Here's a shameless plug for a great American Band, Ollabelle. They are performing a good old time song called "Ain't No More Cane on The Brazos".
These guys are friends of mine and have 2 records out, the latest is called Riverside Battle Songs. I wish I could find a better live piece and when I do I will post it, but here's a group of musicians that can sing and play and keep old forms of American musical tradition alive in the footsteps of The Band and other keepers of the flame!
I reviewed their album earlier this year some where on this blog!


  1. Nice sound, Microdot. I have always been a fan of the electric piano, and I think we are overdue for a comeback for roots-oriented bands in mainstream pop music.

  2. I reviewed the cd a few months ago on this blog. The pianist, Glenn Patscha is Canadian, but lived in New Orleans for years and has recorded extensively with many great American roots musicians as well as Marianne Faithfull and a lot of jazz artists.
    One of the singers, Amy Helms is the daughter of Levin Helms, the drummer of the band.
    I gotta post some of their great harmony stuff before I go away for 2 weeks on the grape harvest.

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I would love to hear them do a cover of the Bands - Acadian Driftwood.

