Friday, October 26, 2007

L'ecole des Facteurs

A few posts back, I raved about the Jacques Tati film Jour De Fete made in St. Severe, France in 1949 by the great Jacques Tati. I mentioned an earlier short film called L'ecole des Facteurs made in 1947 which contained all the bike gags in the longer film.

I found L'ecole des Facteurs (Postmans School) in 2 parts on YouTube. This is a gem!
The dance sequence is incredible and shows the level of sublime physical comedy that Tati was capable of. He takes the clumsiness of the ordinary and makes it into a hilarious ballet of ridiculous grace!

I hope you enjoy this stuff as much as I do and check out moreof Tatis art!


  1. Wow! What a cool find! Thanks so much for bringing Tati to our attention -- lovely physical and funny stuff!

  2. I'm so happy you found it entertaining!
