Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This is a guest post by The Engineer of Knowlege!

One of the things I have been given some thought to of late is
Blackwater. At the turn of the 19th century the coal mines hired
private protection corporations to squelch miners taking efforts into
their own hands to break the "Owe Your Soul to the Company Store" type
of slavery through economic means.

One instance was a mine in southernWest Virginia. The miners walked out and made a tent city at the gatesof the mines. They were not on company property but when others came toanswer the ads for work they turned around because they saw what was
really going on and chose not to apply.

Well the company hired aprivate protection like the Pinkerton Guards, but a different companythat I cannot remember the name right now. Early in the morning before
everyone woke up, a box car came in with the company coal railroad
train. When the box car was in line with the tent city, the door opened
up and a 50 caliber tri-pod machine gun opened up on the ex-miners tents
that contained the women, children, and the miners. As luck would have
it, the cold weather was coming on and the miners had dug down into the
ground for the protection and warmth of the ground from the wind and
cold. The 50 caliber bullets tore through the tents but the sleeping
people were in the trenches that protected them. That is when the other
union coal miners in West Virginia picked up their guns, marched to the
aid of the miners on strike and their families. Well an all out war
broke out and Woodrow Wilson had to send in Federal Troops to get
between the coal companies with their hired protection and the miners
with the unionized miners that were shooting at each other.

So, in summation, Blackwater is a private company that will be losing a
major customer in Iraq. This corporation will have to replace this
customer loss with new customers to survive. I wonder how long it will
be before Blackwater, with state of the art weapons, will be turning
these guns, mortars, claymore mines, etc, on U.S. citizens by a company
hiring them to enforce their will on the population. Blackwater is even
building its own armored troop carriers based on the South African
design. This performs the same function like the Bradley fighting
vehicle.. but better.

I have given just one example where it has happen before and it will
happen again.

This Guest Post was submitted by The Engineer Of Knowlege
October 29, 2007
Thank you sir!


  1. Back here in Toledo in 1928 Henry Ford's goons [private security] broke up the striking Autolite workers. He did that in Detroit too.

    It's fascism, plain and simple. We're slipping fast towards that ugly political system.

    Did you hear that the product safety commission said 'no thanks' to extra inspectors for children's toys ordered by Congress?

    The head of hte commission is protecting big business interests at the expense of America's children.

    Fascism in America.

  2. The interesting thing about politics is that the harder you push one way, the farther the pendulum falls the opposite way. The political/corporate forces today don't want to give an inch, well then tomorrow, they will be giving up a mile. My grandfather was a coal minor in WVa, and he basically died a rich man with 100 percent health benefits and a sizeable pension. All thinks to the strong arm tactics of the mine companies as they fought unionization. The president Veto's the health care for children bill today and refuses to comprimise, well then tomorrow (a litte over a year anyway) we'll have full on socialized medicine. It's called "Blowback".

  3. Steve, being an eternal opttimist, I, myself, believe that the forces of evil have crested and spent themselves...we are on the other side of the wave, yet to us, caught in the turbulnce, it's still one big deep ocean.
