Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Lack of Trust

Most of my perceptions as to what is really happening in America is limited
to the media: The news and the internet.
I read about the Presidential Election and get information from the various candidates emails and the blogs. I have a few favorites, and I hear the constant drumbeat of the polls telling us that the Republicans cannot win this time.
Then I spend a few weeks in America. I speak to lots of Americans. I read editorials and how the news is not really reported, how the issues are not really discussed.
Who cares what anyone really thinks? Let Bill O'Reilly and Rush spin it for you.
Hey, did you hear that Kuchinich's wife was blind? No? She married him, didn't she?
Do you really think that America will elect a woman president, especially if she is Hillary? How much mud could a Republican sling, if a Republican could sling mud?
I think Edwards could be a great President but will the pundits ever get past his hair?
A lot of Americans could vote for Obama if he's change his name and his skin color.
There are a lot of Americans who deep down are sick of the Iraq War, but even deeper down are just plain afraid.
Lightning strikes and the flock of sheep stampede.
Nothing is certain. I have no faith in a nation that lets itself be led and lied to...
This is getting to be uncomfortable, isn't it?
Let's talk about the candidates favorite television shows.
Guiliani could win if he would only be a contestant on Dancing With The Stars.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I was having a conversation with a woman who was college educated and a Christian Conservative. She had made the statement that she had no problem with the Patriot Act that was infringing on the Bill of Rights because the government was not looking for her. I quoted Benjamin Franklin’s; "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” I proceeded to explain that if you compare the Patriot Act and the Nazi parties Enabling Act you could see that the laws passed were almost exactly the same. The German Enabling Act was passed to protect Germany from the over blown communist threat and the manufactured threat from the Jews within the country trying to take over Germany.

    I proceeded to pass on my own experience of what I been aware of in South America. How the military juntas of Argentina and Chile abused their legal sweeping powers granted to them because of the threat of the communist terrorist. The abuse of the whole populations for both countries was left unchecked by any legal system. They used unwarranted wire taps to spy on the population. Even the simple accusation of being a communist sympathizer was enough to have you arrested, never to be heard from again.

    After giving this woman example after example of how the powers granted by the Patriot Act which just led to greater abuses of spying on our own population I noted that she was just glazing over and her reply was in a quiet voice full of fear, “But who will protect us from the terrorist?”

    This is when I realized that I was talking to a “Stepford Wife” drone and knew that she had been brainwashed beyond any recovery by her church radio stations, Fox news, and would probably write in George W. Bush’s name in the next election.

  2. engineer- both Microdot and I know another woman who would fit your description perfectly. And she is not alone. As microdot has pointed out, there are millions more like her, brainwashed into sheep, scared to baa, following the leader and his commands.

    You nailed it, microdot, about America. Have pity on us over here.

  3. Thank you for the view from abroad. We're so immersed it in here, it becomes difficult to differentiate "reality" from our own demons.

    At some point, would it be possible for you to put together a post about how Europe perceives us?
