Thursday, December 20, 2007

Before You Were Probably Born!

Just in case you were wondering about the "Pop Music" that your parents were listening to before you were born, this clip sums it up. You see, Led Zepplin are rather recent history and they were just a very good cover band. These guys, The Beatnix wrote most of the great music of the 70's and the 80's during the early 60's. It took great cover bands like Toto, Led Zepplin and latter day Pink Floyd to rediscover and reinterpret the zany pop energy of the Beatnix and bring their great songs to a deserving public.
Unfortunately, The Beatnix disappeared mysteriously one night after a meeting with their record company and were never able to collect any of the millions of dollars of royalties that are mounting up in a numbered off shore bank account in the Cayman Islands set up by their manager Maury Silverfish.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Hehe - You had me for a minute there Microdot. It sure looked like Lennon, but then I noticed the bass player was right handed and things got a tad fishy from there. Then I noticed the music was "I Want To Hold Your Hand". Then I remembered the tale of Page selling his soul to the devil in exchange for "Stairway to Heaven" after he bought Crowleys house. Then I remembered whose site I was on (nudge nudge)and it all fell together.

    Some of those tribute bands are very good. I saw a band called Musical Box do the entire Genesis albums, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, Nursery Cryme, and Foxtrot. They had all the original stage props, slide shows, and Peter Gabriel costumes. They did well. Perhaps we should consider creating the Bonzo God Band.

