Thursday, December 06, 2007

God Helped Him Free That Rapist

Here is the most pressing reason why Mike Huckabee is not fit to be president and has to be stopped dead in the water. A lying hypocrite, yes just like the rest of them, but he's not at all beneath telling us that God wants him to be president!

Do you think God will tell him where Iran is?


  1. ...yet he strongly attracts the fundies. Is that because their brains are skewed to accept charismatic people no matter what their angle is?

    By the way, pourquoipas? is dead. I think I picked up a serious virus there the day I spent an hour trying to post my comment.

    what do you know about it?

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Mud Rake -

    Indeed, the blog is down and possibly done for good (at that location). I was told that the support for the free hosting service is not very good and certainly not a priority.
    WN is pretty much on his own to fix it and he is having some other computer problems. He was also called out unexpectedly to work today. If the site can not be fixed, it will be moved to another blog host site. I have no idea how long something like that would take. That is all I know about it.

