Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sarkozy le Grand?

"Il ne reste pas un momente tranquile; il sent autour de lui avec effroi
la solitude et les tenebres; ceux qui ont peur la nuit chantent,
lui il se remue.
Il fait rage, il touche a tout, il court apres les projets;
ne pouvant creer, il decrete; il cherche a donner le change sur
la nullite; ce mouvement perpetuel; mais helas!
Cette roue tourne a vide."

Victor Hugo

France reeled in collective embarassment yesterday evening as the
tiny hyper president ran after and grabbed Angela Merkle's arm
after the signing of the new
EU Treaty in Lisbon and shouted in English, "Honeymoon? Honeymoon?"
Angela shrank in disgust and looked into the camera and coldly said, in English,
"We only cooperate!"
Meanwhile, Kahdafy is destroying the lawn at the Palais de l'Elysee and
it is suddenly dawning on the country that instead of a president,
country is being run by a very embarrassing hyperactive appliance salesman.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    Love the artwork! Hope you are feeling better my friend.

  2. Thank you Mr. Engineer for the compliment!
    I am almost over the nasty relationship with Bernie....
    I pruned the fig tree today and chopped and sawed wood so I must be better!

  3. Hey, Minister Torapomova! Imade this image for you to steal!
    Please take it, it's yours to do with as you please!
