Monday, December 17, 2007

A Special Holiday Message From The Vice President of The United States, Dick Cheney

Errr, it's that special time of the year again...lots of down time for employers, but then again, American Public has to have time to shop! Err, So, Me and Mrs. Cheney would like to wish all Americans of whatever uuhhhh, persuasion uhhh....a very special holiday greeting.
You know, errr, it takes a hell of a lot oil to light Americas Christmas Trees. That's why we are in Iraq, well uhhh, errr...part of the reason. Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, in their war against your security also were part of the Global War on Christmas.
Nothing would make them happier than to see the Christmas lights of America go dark!
Liberals and Democrats who scoff at the war on Christmas are actually putting out, one light bulb at a time, the Christmas lights of hope in the Malls and homes of America! errrr......
And remember, here's one of Lynn Cheneys helpful household hints!
The next time a Liberal Tree Hugging Islamofascist ecologist weirdo starts ragging about so called "Global Warming", just remind them that global warming will go a long way towards cutting down on those rising heating bills. Then you can tell them them go fuck themselves! Grrrrrr.........

1 comment:

  1. Cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels is the reason for the season!
