Thursday, December 27, 2007


I have been asked by a few fellow bloggers to try to show how America is percieved in France. It's too easy to to look at editorialists and academic writers to disssect the opinions. You have to go deeper, to the real thinkers, the brilliant young minds of the poets and the rappers, just as in America, to really get a grounds eye view of the shockwaves in American culture you have to go to the streets!
(United States=Etats-Unis=TAZUNIS!)
This is a brilliant rap by the artist Djama. It was sent to me by the minister of anti-propaganda from Torapomova, the relentless anti-sarko blog.
I have tried to provide a translation:

1st verse
Very crazy and a stroke of genius
I love Sioux and then also apaches
What we speak not it is not the Italy
You know what I like in the states ?
Leonard Peltier and public enemy
The new orleans and sauls williams also
The Comanche and then mississipi
Soul jazz and rock also(...)

Find a reasonable look at Bush is egal to found gold
In the seine, Aouch !
I love "les etats" the states TA
I love "les etats" the states TA
and even i like the idea of the united states
young pepople and young dumbs
We from the old continent we telling you :
we gonna take care of you because we love the states
and m & n &n &m &n &m"

2nd verse
I like the united states
I have something else to do
But this is a beautiful enemy
Microphone in the ocean, it is practical
Sub sailors atomic under the pole is practical
Satellites that receives fax mail is pratical
don't mix : colin powell donald rumsfeld petroleum pinochet panama oil heil
Ok for Tom sawyer and also star wars
Good for basketball
Ok for graffiti
Nike brand
Have to be "fucked"
You ve got nikes ? you wil stay my friend
But the next time keep your money and likes united states
No need to push us again it this time to "stop"
Global anarchy stop
International Police stop this time
steals massacre without valid reason :stop
Shoot first then ask questions stop
never look at and escape quick
Oh damn I love united states
Paris is not NY at all
NY is not so funny indeed you know
in the usa's eyes same fog you know
The power got his same demons you know
everywere we can see them with their flag
patriots until death !"""

We hope you enjoy the flight,
the tempature outside is hot :p
take a look !


  1. Actually, I'd be more interested in what the 40+ crowd thinks of us Americans rather than a rapper.

    Do you have any of that data to share with us?

    I chose that age group because they have a bit more wisdom than the 20 - 30 group.

  2. Do they? All we hear is the voices of the over 40's.
    This is a voice and the poetry is an abstract filter, a kaildescope of images and emotion, it's the hope of the future, the shedding of the past, it's a way of saying that this reality won't last.
    Voices are shouting and dancing to the beat, it's time to listen and not to retreat!
    Logic is one thing
    and truth is another
    sometimes the connection
    is hard to discover!

  3. All youth [except Young Republicans] have visions of 'what's supposed to be.' So did I, but my dream was popped by the gunshots of Lee Harvey Oswald. I awakened to the nightmare of reality. I've been stuck there ever since.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hello All,
    Can I play too. Moderate Republicans have vision of what's supposed to be too. :-)

    I will always remember,
    That day in November,
    When a president was shot.

    That tragic day in Dallas,
    Sent a country into paralyses,
    And the ultimate death of Camelot.

    I was no more than a child,
    My political views were mild,
    In the south Civil Rights were being fought.

    Many violently disagreed,
    With the powers to be,
    Because people’s values were being crossed.

    We were just starting up a war,
    On a foreign country’s shores,
    And Vietnam had not yet been lost.

    Our leaders convinced us they were sure,
    For our democracy to be secure,
    A lot of weapons needed to be bought.

    Young men were being sent away,
    There was more and more each day,
    But no one would realize the cost.

    We were committed way too deep,
    Lost son’s mothers were sent to weep,
    Too late the actual truth had been sought.

    For that November day’s sin,
    I often wondered how it might have been,
    To hear the story from the man who was caught.

    So the important lesson has to be,
    For all of us to see,
    Is that day must never be forgot.
