Wednesday, January 02, 2008

C'mon! Meet Some Of My Friends!

This is a herd of horses living down hill from here in a place called Bernissoux.
I get to see them everyday for the next three weeks!


  1. I think you should ride that frisky colt.

    Microdot- can you take some movies of your home/village? I think that, during these drab and gray days of winter, it would be refreshing.

  2. Agreed, mud rake. Quite a change of pace from the gray urban decay of the Rust Belt.

  3. You are gonna have to wait, my wife took the digital camera to Bangkok for 2 weeks!
    I looked for some videos of Badefols d'Ans on You Tube out of curiosity and all there are is a few clips from our annual road race and truck races that occur once a year.
    I am going to check Daily Motion, which is a French site....
    Meanwhile, I gotta do the maintenence on these guys and more for the next three weeks!
    There's dogs and cats and ponies too!
