Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Death Of A Blog

The video is John Cleese's euulogy for Graham Chapman, which is some how more than appropriate for this post!

I have posted on a lot of blogs and after a while, begin to feel like I have a rapport with some of the other bloggers. I've made some internet friendships with people I've never met. In the last year, I have been posting regularly on an International French Blog and developed a rapport with some of the members and shared opinions and got to express my whacked out sense of humor with people who were as seriously silly as me.

Last June, a fundamentalist christian blogger who posts occasionally on this page and obsessively posted on some Ohio blogs followed me to the French blog and began to blog there. It started politely enough, then more and more combative, lengthier and lengthier posts...soon avalanches of multiple posts of thousands of words and entire sections of the bible translated into French and Russian. This was not a daily thing, it was hourly.

We were treated to extensive lectures on the physical dangers of gay sex and how in spite of the fact she condemned homosexuals for what she claimed was their sinful deliberate choice, she loved them, thoughm if one of them got himself killed, maybe he incited some nice straight boys to do it.

We heard about how she loved Islamic people, even though it was predicted in Ezekial that the war between Israel and Iran was inevitable and Islam was a religion of evil,
really bothering some of the Islamic members of the blog.

She tried to moderate blog behavior and language. The administrator of the blog is a very tolerant guy who last wish is to block or hurt someone. The blog members responded by an ever growing tidal wave of insane humor and anger.

One by one, the blog members stopped posting and checked back once in a while to see if she was still there. She was, and one would have to wonder when she slept, ate or took care of her personal matters.

Now the blog is dead. We all check in from time to time to see if she is still there..She is ranting about how we all went crazy and got offended by her innocent rightousness. She's there all by herself. The blog administrator called me and asked if he should just shut the blog which has been running for 5 years, down. For now, it's up and it's sort of an obscene performance art piece, by the way do you want to know about her brilliant children, their allergies to pets or her weight problem?

I'd give you the address but I made a mistake by posting it in the first place.
We all wish she would just go away. It makes you really think about tolerance, freedom, where does yours end and mine begin?

I know if she ever posts here again, I will without a drop of regret delete her comments.
I already have her ridiculous guilt infused emails going direct into my trash.
A very bad experience which made me write this about blogging:

I cannot make anyone stop responding to pointless or nuisance comments. You have to want to restrain yourself, because you understand that the only way to get rid of them is to fail to give them the attention they want. A "troll" is not just someone whose comments you disagree with, or even just a nasty or badly-worded comment. A troll is someone who does not, under any possible set of circumstances, care what you think about him or his comments. He merely wants attention. Negative attention will do. The more you disagree with him, the more he is able to tell himself that he is persecuted and victimized or the only voice of reason or one of the elite few who has the God's-eye view of the world or whatever his current delusion is. If he isn't merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he's just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you "feed" the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response. Any response to a troll just encourages the troll.

Any thoughts? Not you, Madame Voldemort.


  1. As you know, this oh-so righteous christian lady has spammed my blog to the point of having to close down the comments until I approved of each one- quite the ugly task.

    Her mental illness, expressed as severe obsessive-compulsive behavior, was too great to learn from that lesson, and when I re-opened my blog for general comments, she went right back to her obsessive comments, centering on gays and lesbians.

    I asked her to stop posting on my blog; she openly disregarded my wish and posted even more OCD babblings. I then demanded her to stop posting; she refused.

    Finally, I threatened to reveal her real name if she did not stop, but she dared me to do so. So I did and she becamed shocked and angry that i would do so. That is how obsessive-compulsive her mental illness has become.

    Even that did not stop her postings and, as a result, I told her that I would post her address as well if she would not cease; she didn't and I did.

    At that point her insanity really kicked in, and she blathered on an on about how 'unfair' I was to have done that. Apparently she thought I didn't mean what Isaid.

    The poor woman. As microdot has said, she is over there right now castigating us for our evil deeds. She needs no audience. Mentally ill folks, as you know, live in their own world and actually need no audience but their own.

    It's our fault, she babbles. We did it. We are against her. She did nothing wrong. Typical ranting from the mentally ill.

    Sorry, microdot, for your loss of a wonderful set of international friends with which to banter each day. Life is like that, though: there is always some nut messing up the world. our American nut is, of course, Bush. Sorry for him as well.

  2. Mudrake, I never "lose" friends I care about. This was an ugly taste of disgusting self righteous craziness. A real learning experience. I think I learned that hate is not neccessarily a bad thing when used correctly.
    She caused a lot of people pain.
    We are going to have a funeral pyre for the blog but like a Phoenix, it will be reborn from its ashes!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, it 'will' be reborn from the ashes 'some' day, although not everyone will experience its re-birth.

  5. Well I really enjoyed the Python wake you shared, but not the tale of the mentally ill Xtian woman. When I think of all the wonderful things life has to offer, yet this person has nothing better to do than to condemn relentlessly. So very sad.

  6. Well, this woman is demented and now has invented a scenario in which I have been using fake internet adresses to post insulting comments to myself and mudrake to make her and her buddy look bad.
    I don't think she really believes it, but it shows how wrapped up some people get in their psychotic worlds.
    A very bad experience, a very dangerous person!

  7. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I know a bit about this story and you have not got the facts.

    1. You were not accused of using "fake internet addresses" to post insulting comments to yourself or Mudrake to make her and another blogger look bad, as you claim here. In fact, the comments defended her against the insulting Mud-rake.

    Another blogger accused you of using his name (in the nickname opportunity on blogs) to support her (your Voldemort) and insult Mudrake. Which didn't make sense unless you were trying to be satirical and failed --which is possible. There was a lot of gay bashing, however, in these comments disowned by the named blogger, and he did not want those attached to his name --he pulled his whole blog for fear of Mudrake's smear tactics and intimidation which had been used on her by Mudrake --as by you in your post here.

    It is a mystery, since no one admits to writing those posts. It wasn't ME either, BTW.

    2. Village-Green, Relentless Condemnation is not this "o so righteous Christian woman's" style; it's Mud-rake's and has become Microdot's when he channels Mud-rake.

    3. as for "mentally ill" and "demented," not THIS lady. Solid as they come. A clear thinker, a merry heart, and a perpetually tolerant and forgiving soul, not one to harbor a grudge for long.

    4. "Dangerous" --Come now! Not if you knew her really. Now, Mudrake, he might be dangerous -posting people's personal info on his blog --and talk about "relentless condemnation"--that's HIS game.

    5. Mudrake speaks of spam on his blog by this woman. What is spam? a long post? The spam he put on her blog included 8 articles on Obsessive compulsive disorder, several articles on aztec sacrifices, and several on bird sex life --none of which had anything to do with the blog topics or comments. Now THAT is spam. So why should Mudrake object to censorship on right wing blogs when he censors legitimate opposition on his blog? Why should he accuse anyone of spam --when he really has spammed himself?

    6. as for hate --Microdot, you think hate is ever good and justifiable? Then you will justify anything. Watch out.
    There may be such a thing as "righteous indignation," but hate is never a positive reaction. It is behind every war --whether between individuals, nations --or people sharing a living room --or a blog. They have a difference of opinion and then they hate and boot the minority voice out of the room.

    All intolerance is justified by hatred. "Well, it's Voldemort's fault." Is it really??

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Furthermore, for Mudrake --what is worse --to censor and delete those who are too good at rebutting your hateful posts? or to commit libel, threaten and intimidate by disclosure of a blogger's name, address, phone number, house photo and her church photos and to write her pastor? How intrusive do you think you should be, into a person's life because you disagree with them and want them to shut up? Wouldn't it be more gentlemanly to delete or moderate that person off your blog --or even better --just ignore them? Ah, but then you'd be guilty of the censorship you decry in others!

    It's really remarkable how you (and Microdot) fail to own up that this was over the line for you --but keep defending, defending and defending yourself as justified --and keep attacking and distorting facts as well.

    The ultimate irony is to hear you go on about being a victim of spam and censorship yourself! Just amazing!

  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Microdot, yours is a perfect description of the blogger, Mudrake, who has often been called a blog troll:

    A troll is someone who does not, under any possible set of circumstances, care what you think about him or his comments. He merely wants attention. Negative attention will do. The more you disagree with him, the more he is able to tell himself that he is persecuted and victimized or the only voice of reason or one of the elite few who has the God's-eye view of the world or whatever his current delusion is. If he isn't merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he's just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you "feed" the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response. Any response to a troll just encourages the troll.

    Well any blogger who is addressed would logically respond, don't you think?

    I would add here that a troll doesn't deal with the comments --but just insults the people with whom he disagrees. He won't debate/discuss the points that are raised because he isn't interested in anyone else's point of view. He already is fixed in his negativity. It is called the ad hominem attack style of discussion --not at all intellectually respectable. In this case, a troll is a hater. I suppose some trolls just like to go around poking fun at other's expense, ridiculing, scoffing and scorning.
