Sunday, January 20, 2008

Michelles Inferno....

Representative Michelle Bachman, Republican from Minnesota presents her vision for the American Economic Recovery, adding,
"I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota.. We're the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs.."

This is obviously her version of the American Dream, working two full time jobs and still struggling to get by.
By Golly, Americans like working two jobs so corporations can get tax breaks!
Aren't you glad that there are two Americas?


  1. The most sad aspect of this story is that millions of Americans [Republicans] just nodded their bobbleheads in unison with her.

    Get ready for the DOW to slide 2000 points in the next three weeks as the insurance companies that insured the sub-prime mortgage companies fold.

  2. I'm not so sure, a lot of republicans are finding them selves getting crunched and are sick of "happy talk".
    This little economic blip is a real pain for me. My American dollars are worth less than 60 centimes. The bank machines here have started to use a laugh track for sound effects when I go to draw out somthing from my US account.... I guess I'll have to go back to my cape and mask but I'm getting a little old for all this all night work on the highway! It's a little harder to slash an "M" than a "Z"!

  3. Heck, I have to string together six part-time jobs, since the trend in academia is to hire part-time adjuncts as a way to save money.

  4. I am the real slacker! I'm waiting to go work on the vines next month!
    I'm not officially old enough to retire...I'm not legally French enough to work real jobs...
    So, it's a migrant farm worker and black market masonry life for me.....
    Hey, I will bust a hole in the wall of your house cheap! Let me know!

  5. That lady looks evil.. I'm not sure I like her.

  6. photoshop is the devils la la......
