Thursday, January 10, 2008


America has to be ready! We are ready and prepared for any threat from Iran when we figure out what it is that they are really up to! We showed them that we were ready to meet the threat of their Nuclear Arms Development agressively, should they ever get it in their heads to do it! We have mobilized the world to declare sanctions on them already just in case they actually were going to think of doing something funny!
The Congress of The United States of America officially declared their Revolutionary Guards to be a terrorist organization on the word of our Vice President, Dick Cheney and you know when Dick Cheney gives his word, it's gotta be true!
Just this last weekend, as our brave President Bush flew fearlessly to Israel with his message of Peace, our naval destroyers were put under a direct threat, a clear and present danger, by the advanced Iranian speed boat technology!

Here is a photo of an aggressive Iranian speedboat as it insolently and menancingly cavorts under the nose of an American Destroyer which might have or might not have been in Iranian naval territory, but who's quibbling when we have identified and defined this clear insult to our national honor....
My next piece of undeniable evidence is a picture of the latest perfidious Iranian Islamic development. We have uncovered their super secret plot to use flying saucers to infiltrate the inner sanctum of Americas' security network. Obviously, the advanced Shiite technology has made great leaps inspired by their fanatical desire to hoard their glut of petroleum deposits and deny the
needs of the American People! This utter despotical greed has to be stopped! America needs oil, these godless rug headed sand rats obviously don't need it...ooops, sorry, edit that out, please.....
Here's a picture of our Brave Vice President, who is laboring under an extreme medical condition, his Cheneytron 2000 exoskeleton support system requires constant maintenence by a staff of 150 trained technicians , The Honorable Dick Cheney, conferring with the supreme Christian American Patriotic Defense Wing of the Pentagon, bringing them up to date on the latest developments. How can the menance of Iran be stopped? Obviously, we can't rely on reality! The skies over Washington are darkening as the clouds of Islamic Saucers thicken. There is too much subversive truth corrupting this great land! Wake Up America, it's almost too late!


  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    I was getting concerned about you. You had not posted anything in a while but you have come back with you great art graphics and satirical wit blazing. This is the Microdot that I have come to enjoy and appreciate.

  2. Oh Mr. Engineer, you don't have to be concerned about me! I am very busy these days and occupied with a herd of horses. I get some of my best ideas when I am doing something mindless, like forking hay or trying to find a stupid horse who figured out how to jump a line!
    My dog, though, has become a lot smarter and has become a lot faster than a horses hoof.

  3. Gha hahaha, *choking on spittle*

  4. Steve, though I don't know you personally, I really enjoy youur comments and your point of view..
    Your incoherent spittle is all the encouragment I need to carry on!

  5. Bravo! Marvelous satire and I am sure that the non-American visitors to your blog are laughing well.

    We Americans, on the other hand, live with this idiocy each day and for another year and 9 days.

  6. Gulf of Tonkin...anyone else but me see it comming?

  7. Sepp, thank goodness we live in a world that is more connected than we were in 1966!
    The whole world is saying Gulf of Tonkin....this stupid attempt to manipulate reality is already discredited by the rational media...
    it's the irrational insane mass hysterical media we have to look out for!
    They (Bush & Co.) want to believe they are the masters of chaos and to create an insane situation will give them the chance to roll the dice again and upset the monopoly board!
    How can we stop them, now, any ideas?
