Sunday, June 08, 2008

Basic Garbage Skills.....

Last week, I posted a piece that related my extreme uneasiness with the prospect that Nicolas Sarkozy was negotiating a deal with Berlusconi to restart the Italian Nuclear Energy program. Under Berlusconi's previous administration, the present Italian garbage crisis began to grow to the insanity of the present situation. The Mafia is allowed to controll the garbage industry and the country is fast choking on the illegal and inefficient non disposal of the waste.
I mentioned that the Mafia Companies were able to devise a scheme by which they hired old boats, took out insurance policies on them, filled them with garbage and then the boats have accidents and the garbage and the boat is lost at sea and the company gets paid for the disposal of the trash and then collects the insurance from the accident.
I also mentioned that the famous buffalo mozzarella cheese is now unfiit for exportation because of the dioxin contamination from illegal and uncontrolled dumping.
Now, as of Friday, Germany has refused to accept garbage from Italy for recycling and landfill. Why? Because the levels of radiation in the waste is over 80 times the acceptable level! The nuclear waste from hospitals is not being properly dealt with.

Until, Italy demonstrates that it can deal with such a basic operating skill as proper waste disposal, without corruption and endangering the welfare of its neighbors, it would be improper and immoral to help them start a nuclear energy program. It would be a criminal and obscene act to provide them with the technological assistance and materials to produce deadly nuclear waste.

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