Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cottage Cheese in Lime Jello

The Swiftboating season has officially begun as in todays press:
The conservative Regnery Publishing just announced two books for August: David Freddoso’s “The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate,”
and Thomas Blood’s “The Clinton Collapse: How Bill Clinton Lost Hillary Her ‘Sure Thing’ Nomination (And Might Even Make Obama Lose Too).”
“We intend to put him under the microscope, and we think readers will be very interested to learn what we uncover,” says Marji Ross, president and publisher of Regnery, which in 2004 released “Unfit for Command,” the best-selling attack against Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry.

As you remember, the Kerry book was a slash and burn collection of fabrications and gross exagerations proven false, but at the time provided fuel for the conservative talking heads. Kerry was accused at the time of not fighting back and trying to ignore the slander.
The smears against Obama started long ago and the exagerations have taken on a life of their own.. Just check the John McCains Blog or even the posts on Hillarys blog and you will see trolls insisting that Barack Obama is a secret Muslim, the focus on the style of his Pastor, Reverend Wright and using his rhetoric as a portrayal being anti American
Obama on the other hand is able to confront his detractors and has been able to use their negative energy against them. He is able to inspire in a way that Kerry could never dream of. The fervor of idealism that he has been able to tap, the ability to inspire hope and enable people to dream of a better future is positively threatening to the bland anti ideal conservative movement stuck in a corrupt past and trying futilely to control a future they cannot even begin to envision. Lies are all they have.

That seems to be the level of McCains campaign. He has nothing to run on, so he makes a mistatement and lets his supporters elaborate it.
He seems to be counting on the xenophobic racism that is a real unresolved issue in America to do most of his work.
His campaign seems to feel confident that they can count on the fact that most Americans would rather listen to whast they would like to believe rather than the truth.
As in the lead in to the Iraq War, I personally felt the frustration of trying to talk to friends and family and state facts and instead be countered with statements that began,"My friend Debbie said....." And of course Debbie knew for a fact that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center, because her husband told her.

And who is McCain? Why should he be president of the United States? Why should Americans want to give this man their votes and trust? he has demonstrated over and over again that he is totally out of touch with the realities of economics and has flip flopped all over the place about Iraq. He has no personal grasp of issues. He has no working knowlege of constitutional law.
He offers no vision for the future or real plans or understanding the problems Americans face today. He has never had to pay for health care or insurance. He was covered, free of charge from birth as the son of an Admiral. He is covered today as a United States Senator.
He has voted against bills to assist the military re entering civilian life and the amount of medical aid they recieve...yet, because of his sacred status as a war hero and an insider who knows how to play the system, recieves $58,000.00 a year as compensation since the 1970's. That makes over 2 million dollars in compensation.
He has played fast and loose with the campaign financing laws and is technically in violation. He is surrounded by lobbyists who run his campaign and tell him what his opinion is on economic and business related issues.
We hear so much about his character. It seems that every incident of his temper is swept under the rug. His wife's legal problems with her charity and drugs have been made into untouchable issues.
Recently, his first wife, Carol has talked about her relationship with John McCain.
While he was a prisoner of war, she was in a tragic auto accident which almost killed her and left her an invalid.
When John came back to the US, a hero, he was given much assistance and support.
He was reunited with Carol and his 2 children and they had a new house built with assistance from those who wanted to honor him. One of the main benefactors was H. Ross Perot, who paid for all of Carols medical bills and helped John McCain regain his health and stability.
According to Carol, out of the blue, he told her he wanted to end the marriage. He had been aggressively courting the Heiress, Cindy and wanted to marry her. He told Carol if she agreed, he would see that she would have her bills taken care of for the rest of her life. She said at the time, it was a complete shock and that she was in no position to fight him. McCain told her that he was disappointed that he would never have a career in the Navy and now this was his big chance to get into politics.

‘This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. He has no character. He is a fake. If there was any character in that first marriage, it all belonged to Carol.’...

Ross Perot, who paid her medical bills all those years ago, now believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

‘McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.

‘After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’

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