Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Republican Pride!

This item is on sale at The Republican Market...check out their entire line of snazzy products designed to incite racial fear, ethnic hatred and destroy the social fabric of America so a Senile Narcissistic Power Crazed Old Coot can despotically continue their noble destruction of your freedom and trashing the Constitution.


  1. I didn't see that particular buttong, but some of the buttons they did have were scary enough.

  2. As I understand, the Texas Republican Party has had many, many complaints and pulled this button from their store.
    I'm sure we are going to hear a lot about how liberal political correctness is a threat to free speech.
    This is just the tip of the racist nightmare that America is still in thrall to.
    As in the words of a Louisiana Republican in the audience for John McCains Lime Jello speech,
    "You either are or you aren't and he aren't!"
    He had been asked exactly what it was he found objectionable about Barack Obama.

  3. what is written on the Statue of Liberty??
