Friday, July 25, 2008


Hey, C'mon down to Crazy Georgies Off Shore Drilling Discount Warehouse and take advantage of the last days of our End Of The Empire, Going Out Of Business, Everything Must Go Now SALE! Crazy Georgie and Mad Johnnie McCain are making deals and practically giving away everything to anyone who can make it down here to our conveniently location near you!
You want to ask yourself, "How can these guys do it?" They're Insane, the prices won't last and if you don't act now, you are going to regret not picking up off shore drilling rights at never to be repeated prices! You always dreamed of building a luxury subdivision in a National Forest? Don't dream, Buy Now! With the first 50 sales of 20,000 aces or more Georgie is giving a free , that's right, Free Presidential Pardon!
Become a donor to Georgies Presidential Library and you will have your name inscribed in an undisclosed location!
But you have to act fast and ACT NOW! These deals won't last and the prices will never be repeated. Remember, Crazy Georgie and Mad John McCain, with prices so low...


  1. Funny stuff indeed! Dark humor, for sure, but after this death-defying, bloody, and scary 8-year ride, we need a bit of humor.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Ha, ha.

    Very funny even if if you are dating yourself. Ou est les Crazy Eddies d'eatin?


  3. I guess I am indulging in an almost obscure reference, but if you lived in NYC, Crazy Eddie is a cultural refernece point!

    Je essaye faire le transduction de votre "pun" francais?

    Dit a moi, s'il vous plait, ou est le Crazy Eddies d'eatin?

  4. Even if you don't live in NYC, Cracy Eddie's is a cultural reference point!

    Nice work on putting McCain in context.
