Saturday, August 23, 2008

And Now For The Next Question....

Yes, ahem, the next question...
So Senator McCain, how many times have you cheated on your wives?
You...gasp...can't remember?

Again, congratulations to the Jed Report for the great video!


  1. I felt sorry for your lack of commenters so I thought I'd give you the answer to how many homes McCain owns. He owns zero.

    He has a pre-nup with his wife and she owns all the property with it bypassing him if she dies first and it goes to her children.

    Check the deeds and you will find either her name or her trust fund's name, but not his.

  2. I'm quite aware of what John McCain said. I have the audio of the exchange on my desktop.
    I am also aware of the prenuptial agreement he signed with his wife.
    But what is your point?

    That quibbling with the legal details of his marriage is somehow relevant to the lifestyle this man leads?
    I feel that by trying to defend him with this obvious line of rationalization, you only succeed in damning him further.
    Wasn't most of the case of Karl Roves destruction of John Kerry based on the fact that he was married to his Sugah Momma, Teresa Kerry-Heinz? He had signed pre nups as well.
    By trying to parse the legal niceties of the question and rationalize his answer, then you have smeared the senile old coot with a much stickier swab of tar.
    If you want to make a career of defending John McCain, fine. You're going to vote for the vain senile manipulative bastard no matter what reality is.

    Look, I don't care if I get replies or not to my posts. When I get an intelligentt reply, I am pleased.
    In other words, quality, not quantity.

    Jeanette, the last time you posted here, as I recall, I spent a week hosing this blog down to get rid of the incoherent shit you had psychotically strewn everywhere.


  3. Anonymous nasty threats? I hope you aren't insinuating I made anonymous nasty threats to you or anyone else. I use my name. Check the IP addresses of the anonymous nasty threats and you will see they did not come from me.

    Yes, Kerry was hit with the same thing and it also was wrong. Instead of stuttering and stammering around to figure out how many houses the family owns they both should have said they personally owned no houses and the property was own by their wives, to be given to the children upon the death of their wives.

  4. John "Nguyen" McCain has Stockholm Syndrome and will turn the US of A over to the Red Chinese if given a chance (Nevermind that our corporate and Neoconservative overlords have already done just that... use your imagination) Ever see the "Manchurian candidate"? - It can happen. Don't vote for John Manchurian Candidate Mcain. Vote for 8 YO radical terrorist bomber Obama.

  5. Oh absolutely. We are drinking the same milkshake but I am not sharing my cornflakes!
