Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blogiversity Countdown Celebration

That's what this is! Thebrainpolice Blogiversity Party Couuntdown Celebration and you are invited! In just a few short hours, thebrainpolice blog will be 2 years old! I've made some great friends and lost a few. I've gotten some nice words and intelligent comments and stupid threats and trolls from the bowels of dumbfuckistan, a strange, phlegm colored obese and flabby land that seems to exist in various forms all over the planet...
It's been a real learning experience. I have decided that the internet is an external lobe of my brain, if only it could help me remember where I put my keys....
I am indulging myself and I hope someone will watch all 10 minutes of theis video.
It is the Mahavishnu Orchestra playing live in 1972. Truly great music by great musicians. I don't think it ever got more pure than this.
John McGlaughlin on guitar, Billy Cobham on drums, Rick Laird on Bass, Jerry Goodwin on violin and Jan Hammer on assorted keyboards...........


  1. Congratulations and many happy returns, Microdot! It has been a great pleasure reading your posts over the past two years. Indeed, I consider you my blog-brother, as we both started at about the same time and have so many shared interests, not to mention the Ohio connection!

    Sorry to hear that the Village Green is not opening up for you so quickly -- perhaps I have too many pictures and other stuff on it. I would recommend, when you are ready to replace the old iMac, to check out the Mac mini. It is the greenest computer around, small and very sweet on your desktop. I bought one three years ago, before the new PC/Mac internal upgrade and it still works great. I bought a 500 gig external back up drive for it and now I can keep going for many years, I hope, as I can store all my video projects and music on the hard drive. You can find the Mac Minis for good prices on Ebay.

  2. Anonymous2:35 AM

    ...MD, I'm gonna have to borrow that gem from you from time to time if you don't mind!
    Happy 2 year anniversary!

