Thursday, August 07, 2008


Over the week end, John McCain gave a speech calling for a SURGE on
inner city crime. Yesterday in Ohio, he gave a speech calling for an Economic SURGE!
He has based most of his campaign on the concept of the SURGE!
After Paris Hilton called him "A Wrinkly Old Dude With White Hair"
He realized that he just wasn't getting his message across to the youth of America.
In an attempt to repackage his SURGE message in the hipster lingo of todays ville,
Johnny & Cindy are beginning their cross country tour to win over the minds and hearts of the youngsters.
This is their first CD, a ground breaking collection of politically relevant "message"
songs tailored for a generation hungry for new ideas!
The groovy duo's hits include the snappy numbers, The SURGE Goes On,
Bang, Bang, I Bombed Iran, the golden oldie, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran
as well as their memorable whacky smash #1 hit,
I Got SURGE, Babe.
C'mon kids! Everybody doin' THE SURGE with
Johnny & Cindy, making musical history at a record store near you.


  1. I saw the blurb where he said we needed an economic surge.. and I.. just sort of scratched my head..

  2. ..and to think that he may actually win the White House due to rampant racism in america.
