Sunday, August 10, 2008


Everything you need to know about off shore drilling in just a few seconds.....


  1. Excellent 1-minute expose' of these thugs. Some here in America, however, are more interested in exploring the celebrity of Obama.

  2. Drill Now?
    As our friend Steve says, "It's the gay marriage line of this election!"

    It is also the line of dumbfuckistanians who have neo idea...
    How the hell can a country which is the largest energy consumer on the planet and is sitting on say 3% of it's petrochemical reserves drill it's way to lower gas prices?

    The rational person might say, look at Denmark, in less than 1o years, they have become the first country on the planet to become totally energy self sufficient.
    They are off the grid! Now they are selling the technology to us.
